Trabalhos Acadêmicos sobre Hekate

Em português

  1. Hécate, do culto às representações: Theogonia, Hino Homérico a Deméter e Hino Órfico à Senhora Trívia (2021) Jaqueline da Silva
  2. O “Hino a Hécate” de Hesíodo (2020) Thais Rocha Carvalho
  3. Perséfone e Hécate: a representação das deusas na poesia grega arcaica (2019) Thais Rocha Carvalho
  4. A deusa da feitiçaria Hécate e as práticas hipocráticas no Período Clássico entre os atenienses (2018) Tricia M. Carnevale
  5. Hécate, deusa da magia: representação em Macbeth (2018) Thais Rocha Carvalho
  6. Os espaços sagrados da deusa Hécate Ctônia na Atenas Clássica (2017) M. R. Candido
  7. Hécate: um estudo inicial (2015) Joana Vieira Varela
  8. A Concepção da Magia na Atenas Clássica: o caso da deusa Hécate (2013) Leandro Mendonça Barbosa
  9. Hekate, de deusa ctônica dos atenienses do período clássico à deusa da feitiçaria no imaginário social do Ocidente (2012) Tricia M. Carnevale
  10. Da filologia à iconografia. A permanência do arcaico nas imagens tríplices de Hécate (2001) Haiganuch Sarian
  11. Ártemis e Hécate em Delos: apontamentos de iconografia religiosa (1998) H. Sarian
  12. Hécate duplo de Ártemis: uma interpretação da cratera ática de Toronto (1997) H. Sarian

Em inglês

  1. Festival Networks: Stratonikeia and the Sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina (2021) Christina G. Williamson
  2. On the Chronology of the Reliefs with Images of Cybele, Hermes and Hecate Found in the Northern Black Sea Coast (2021) V. Goroncharovskiy
  3. The Conception of the Goddess Hecate in Plutarch (2021) Nerea López Carrasco
  4. The cult of goddess Hekate in Miletus and the Milesian colonies (2021) Mihai Remus Feraru
  5. Hekate the Salvatrix in Late Antiquity (2020) Sarah Iles Johnston
  6. Reconstructing the Sacred Experience at the Sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina (2020) Amanda Herring
  7. Key-bearers of Greek Temples: The Temple Key as a Symbol of Priestly Authority (2019) Aynur-Michèle-Sara Karatas
  8. Protection against the fear of punishment from Hecate Ereschigal: another look at a magical recipe in Michigan (PGM LXX 4-19) (2019) C. A. Faraone
  9. The Sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina in the 4th Century BC (2018) A. Büyüközer
  10. Towards a typology of triangular bronze Hekate bases: contextualizing a new find from Sardis (2017) W. Bruce & K. J. Miller
  11. Hekate: a Symbol of the Dangers of Feminine Knowledge in Euripides (2016) K. M. Smith
  12. Religion and acculturation processes: the case of Hekate and Zeus during the Hellenistic and Roman ages in Caria (2016) R. Carboni
  13. The Cult of Hecate in Lydia: Evidence from the Manisa Museum (2016) Nalan Eda Akyürek Şahin
  14. The Liminal and Universal: Changing Interpretations of Hekate (2016) A. Ou
  15. The South Propylon to the Sanctuary of Hecate at Lagina (2015) Aytekin Buyukozer
  16. Reflections on the Enigmatic Goddess: The Origins of Hekate and the Development of her Character to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. (2014) W. J. Harvey
  17. Civic Producers at Stratonikeia. The Priesthood of Hekate at Lagina and Zeus at Panamara (2013) C. R. Williamson 
  18. Karian, Greek or Roman? The layered identites of Stratonikeia via the sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina (2013) Christina Williamson
  19. Ambivalent goddesses in patriarchies : a comparative study of Hekate in ancient Greek and Roman religion, and Kali in contemporary Hinduism (2011) J. Behari
  20. Re-Imagining Hekate: Muse for Memoir (2011) Jacqueline Feather
  21. Structure, Sculpture and Scholarship: Understanding the Sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina (2011) Amanda Herring
  22. Hesiod's Hymns to the Muses, Aphrodite, Styx and Hecate (2008) P. Walcot
  23. Naiskoi from the sacred percinct of Lagina Hekate: Augustus and Sarapis (2008) Bilal Söğüt 
  24. The 'Her' Story of the Great Witch-Goddess: Analyzing the Narratives of Hekate (2005) J. Rabinowitz
  25. Hestia, Hekate, and Hermes: An Archetypal Trinity of Constancy, Complexity, and Change (2002) Leah Friedman
  26. Hymn to Selene-Hecate-Artemis from a greek magical handbook (PGM IV 2714-83) (1997) C. A. Faraone
  27. Underneath the Moon: Hekate and Luna (1997) Jacob Rabinowitz
  28. Some Cults of Greek Goddesses and Female Daemons of Oriental Origin (1995) David R. West
  29. Crossroads (1991) Sarah Iles Johnston
  30. Hekate in the Eighth to Fifth Centuries B.C. (1991) A. Bunbury
  31. Artemis / Diana (1990) M. D. Fullerton
  32. Some cults of Greek goddesses and female daemons of oriental origin: especially in relation to the mythology of goddesses and demons in the Semitic world (1990) David R. West
  33. The Figure of Hecate and Dynamic Emanationism in "The Chaldean Oracles", Sethian Gnosticism, and Neoplatonism (1989) John D. Turner
  34. The Running Maiden from Eleusis and the Early Classical Image of Hekate (1986) Charles M. Edwards
  35. Hecate: A Transfunctional Goddess in the Theogony? (1983) Deborah Boedeker
  36. The Hecate of the Theogony (1983) Jenny Strauss Clay
  37. A Portrait of Hecate (1981) Patricia A. Marquardt
  38. Hekate Is Not the Daughter of Koios and Phoibe (1977) Apostolos N. Athanassakis
  39. Hecate: Greek or “Anatolian”? (1974) William Berg
  40. Hekate: Her Role and Character in Greek Literature from before the Fifth Century B.C. (1971) Carol M. Mooney
  41. A Theriomorphic Representation of Hekate-Artemis (1949) Rudolph Reitler
  42. The Hesiodic Hecate (1895) G. C. W. Warr

Em alemão

  1. Hekate als ein Produkt des 19. Jahrhunderts? (2019) C. Graml
  2. Hekate Triformis auf Gemmen (2018) Christoffer Theis
  3. Die Hekate-Episode in Hesiods Theogonie (2016) Fr. Pfister
  4. Hekate, Prudentia oder eine Allegorie der Zeit? Überlegungen zu einer Bronzestatuette der italienischen Renaissance im Bode-Museum (2016) K. Donhuijsen
  5. Der eilige Lebens-Lauf und seine Schutzgöttin. Überlegungen zur Berliner 'Hekate' (2006) S. Ebert-Schifferer
  6. Hekate Polymorphos: Wesensvarianten einer antiken Gottheit; zwischen frühgriechischer Theogonie und spätantikem Synkretismus (2006) W. Fauth 
  7. Weihrauchopfer und Hymnen an den Planeten Venus und an Hekate (IV 2891–2942) (1991) R. Merkelbach & M. Totti
  8. Die Sandale der Hekate-Persephone-Selene (1968) D. Wortmann
  9. Góngoras Warnrede im Zeichen der Hekate (1964) R. Geske
  10. Hekate-Selene-Artemis in den griechisch-ägyptischen Zauberpapyri und auf den Fluchtafeln (1942) T. Hopfner
  11. Hekate und ihre Hexen (1922) E. Maaß
  12. Die dreygestaltet Hekate und ihre Rolle in den Mysterien (1823) P. von Koeppen

Em turco

Demais idiomas

  1. Hécate: origen, desarrollo, pervivencia y recepción (2021) Sara Rodríguez Romo
  2. Revisión de la figura de la diosa Hécate a través de sus asimilaciones (2020) Pablo Rodríguez Valdés
  3. Dame des trois formes: Diane-Hécate, des Métamorphoses à l’Ovide moralisé (2019) Ana Pairet
  4. Hécate-Selene-Ártemis. Estudio de sus asimilaciones através de los Himnos Órficos y el PGM IV 2785-2890 (2019) Pablo Rodríguez Valdés
  5. Hécate. Las Marcas del Poder Femenino (2018) María Cecília Colombani
  6. La diosa Hécate en Plutarco. Consideraciones a partir de sus epítetos (2017) Nerea López-Carrasco
  7. Des dieux maniables. Hécate & Cronos dans les Papyrus magiques grecs (2016) Thomas Galoppin
  8. Hécate: entre la vida y la muerte. Hacia una lectura global de sus atributos (2016) Mario Agudo
  9. Η λατρεία της Αρτέμιδος και της Εκάτης στον ελλαδικό χώρο κατά την κλασική εποχή (2016) Οικονόμου Λάζαρος Θεοχάρη
  10. Hécate: paradigma de la relación entre la mujer, la luna y la magia (2015) Celia Molina Martín
  11. La dea Ecate nell'antica Grecia: una protettrice dalla quale proteggersi (2015) N. Serafini
  12. Sacrés liens ou non-liens sacrés ? Hécate, les mortels et les lieux de passage en Grèce ancienne (2015) Nicola Serafini
  13. Hécate ou la magie d’un nom (2010) Charlotte Favennec-Riou
  14. Un capítulo de la Teúrgia Antigua: los oráculos de Hécate y la cuestión de las 'estatuas parlantes' (2005) S. P. Yébenes
  15. A propos de l'Hécate hésiodique (1993) Jean Rudhardt
  16. La Diosa Recate: un paradigma de sincretismo religioso del helenismo tardio (1992) José Luis Calvo Martínez
  17. Un oracle d’Hécate dans la Cité de Dieude Saint Augustin (1992) Francine Culdaut 
  18. Hécate, Divinité Lunaire (1979) Sophie Lunais
  19. Artemis-Hekate Un Problema Di Tipologia Nella Scultura Ellenistica (1969) G. Gualandi
  20. Άρτεμις Εκάτη (1961) Χ Χρήστου
  21. L'Hécate de Ménestrate (1901) Salomon Reinach
  22. Groupes de la triple Hécate au Musée du Louvre (1892) M. Etienne Michon